What You Should Know About Prostate Cancer

What You Should Know About Prostate Cancer

February 02, 20249 min read

Guys, it’s time to discuss prostate cancer. Men over 50 are more likely to have this type of cancer, yet it can develop at any age. While signs of prostate cancer are not always present, it’s critical to learn how to recognise them early on.

What actions should a man with prostate cancer take? There are several ways to treat this condition, and your doctor will work with you to determine which course of action is best for you.

Facts About Prostate Cancer

There are numerous statistics to assist characterise the prevalence of prostate cancer, as there are for the majority of cancers. For instance, the American Cancer Society claims:

One in nine men will be told they have prostate cancer at some point in their lives.

There are approximately 175,000 new cases identified each year.

Prostate cancer will claim the lives of about 1 in 41 males.

Prostate cancer causes over 32,000 fatalities annually.

Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer afflicting men in the US, after skin and lung cancer.

Of course, these figures conceal the human toll that cancer, whether it be prostate cancer or another type, exacts on not just the sufferer but also their loved ones.

Let’s examine what prostate cancer actually is, its signs, symptoms, and treatments, as well as if it may be treated successfully.

What is Prostate Cancer?

Above all, we must first investigate what the prostate is and does in order to understand prostate cancer.

A little gland found in the pelvic area called the prostate is a component of the male reproductive system. In front of the rectum, the gland is situated slightly below the bladder. Its main objective is to generate fluid for semen.

The prostate tissue begins to form malignant cells as the disease progresses. However, the development actually happens quite slowly most of the time. In some cases, autopsies revealed that cancer developed so slowly that older patients died of other diseases without being aware of or having been impacted by prostate cancer that had not yet been diagnosed.

Most cases are classified as adenocarcinomas or developed within the glandular cells. Sarcomas, small cell carcinomas, transitional cell carcinomas, and neuroendocrine tumours are some additional forms, however they are all rare.

Doctors still don’t fully comprehend what causes prostate cancer despite the fact that it is very common. They are aware that a man’s risk of having prostate cancer rises with age. Males over the age of 50 account for the bulk of instances.

Men of African-American descent and those with a family history of a father or brother obtaining a prostate cancer diagnosis are both at increased risk for the disease. Environment and way of life are also thought to be significant contributing variables.

According to certain research, obesity may even raise the chance of mortality or the recurrence of prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms and Diagnosis

The disease’s gradual progression shows that symptoms and early warning indications can be scarce. When tumours grow, they frequently have nothing to press against, thus there is no pain.

There are some circumstances in which specific symptoms may be alarming and should necessitate a trip to the doctor, including:

  • Frequent or urgent need to urinate

  • difficulties with urine flow (unable to start or stop)

  • weak, irregular, uncomfortable, or unpleasant urination, as well as urine that is accompanied by a burning sensation

  • Having or maintaining an erection is problematic

  • Ejaculation that is difficult or produces less ejaculate

  • urine or semen with blood in them

  • Rectal pressure or discomfort

  • Any degree of stiffness or soreness in the thighs, lower back, hips, or pelvis

The rarity of symptoms and the lack of any obvious warning indications make it possible that they have nothing to do with prostate cancer. These might be a sign of benign prostatic hyperplasia, often known as BPH, which is a benign enlargement of the prostate that raises the risk of developing cancer.

Also, the signs and symptoms can point to the possibility of prostatitis, a painful condition that frequently results in a urinary tract infection.

As a result, any unusual urine patterns or unexplained soreness should be taken seriously. If any symptoms appear, consult a doctor for advice.


The best method of detection for prostate cancer, which resembles an introverted illness, is routine screening. Men should get regular screenings for prostate cancer starting at age 50, or earlier if they have a history of the disease in their family or are in a high-risk group.

A digital rectal exam, often known as a DRE, and a prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, test are the two types of tests used for routine screenings.

Digital Rectal Exam

The DRE is the initial test for prostate cancer. A doctor performs this examination by sticking a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum. The doctor can assess whether the prostate is enlarged by placing it in front of the rectum.

The test is not too painful. Further testing would be required to determine the extent and severity of the enlarged size if the results show enlargement of the prostate.

Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)

Blood must be obtained and examined at a lab for the PSA test. An antigen that the prostate generates, if it is excessively high, may be a sign of cancer.

The following is frequently used as a reference when analysing test results, despite the fact that there is no widely acknowledged “normal” PSA level:

  • The safe range for nanograms per millilitre (ng/mL) is 0 to 2.5

  • For most people, 2.6 to 4 ng/mL is regarded as safe.

  • A 25% likelihood of prostate cancer is indicated by a range of 4 to 10 ng/mL.

  • More than 10 ng/mL signifies a prostate cancer risk of 50% or higher.

However, a doctor does consider the following when interpreting the test results:

  • Age Prostate Size

  • Conditions that may raise PSA levels currently or in the past, such as prostatitis or the aforementioned BPH

  • any drugs that could also raise PSA levels

The existence of cancer is not necessarily indicated by an increased PSA level. Prostate enlargement is a typical indicator of ageing in general. But, routine testing can assist determine whether a problem is present and the best course of action more rapidly.

Transrectal MRI or ultrasonography are additional examinations. To ascertain not only whether cancer is present but also the grade of cancer, a transrectal biopsy may be carried out. The Gleason score is another name for the applied grade.

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Several crucial factors contribute define the severity of the illness and the available treatment choices should prostate cancer be discovered in a patient.

Following a positive diagnosis, tests are first carried out to see if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body or just within the prostate. Additional MRIs or scans, pelvic lymphadenectomy—during which lymph nodes are removed from the pelvis and the tissue is analysed for cancer cells—or seminal vesicle biopsy may be among these tests.

There are several therapy methods available. The extent to which the cancer has spread, the likelihood that it will expand further, the patient’s age or current state of health, and the size and extent of the disease all affect the course of treatment.

The most typical treatments are as follows:

  • Active or Observant Surveillance

  • Surgery

  • radiation treatment

  • Cryotherapy

  • Using Hormones

  • Chemotherapy

  • Immunization therapy for the prevention or treatment of cancer that has spread to the bones

A patient may also look for a number of alternative treatments.

All treatments, of course, carry some dangers and side effects, such as a decrease in sex drive, erectile problems, or the inability to become pregnant. Treatments for prostate cancer frequently cause bowel and bladder problems, including a leaky bladder or loss of bladder control.

Can Prostate Cancer be Prevented?

Although there is no guarantee that prostate cancer may be prevented, doctors do concur that lifestyle changes can lower chances and improve outcomes.

A patient who smokes should stop smoking first and foremost. It increases the risk of developing prostate cancer again as well as the likelihood of dying from it.

Exercise is also essential for preventing cancer that is more aggressive. It goes without saying that maintaining a regular routine and a healthy diet will increase your chances of lowering your risk of prostate cancer.

Even while the effects of low-fat diets on reducing cancer risks are not consistently supported by research, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and avoiding added fats won’t hurt you.

Dr. Stephen Freedland, head of the Cedars-Sinai Center for Integrated Research in Cancer and Lifestyle (CIRCL), comments on the probable connection between obesity and prostate cancer:

What patients can do to treat their prostate cancers is a common question. Weight loss is the main topic I discuss with them. Obesity is by far the greatest and clearest relationship among lifestyle factors to this disease’s severe and ultimately fatal course.

What are the Positive Outcomes for Prostate Cancer?

There is little question that prostate cancer is a serious condition with a significant negative impact on men and their families. Prostate cancer is a condition with promising prognoses, despite the fact that its precise origins are still unclear and there is now insufficient evidence to support effective preventative measures.

Prostate cancer does not have to be fatal thanks to routine testing based on age and increased knowledge of risk factors. Your general health can be improved by leading a healthy lifestyle that include nutrition, exercise, maintaining a healthy body weight, and abstaining from known dangers like smoking.

If you are otherwise healthy, you stand a much better chance of beating prostate cancer even if you are diagnosed with it.

Speak with your doctor if you think you may be at risk for prostate cancer. Even if you currently have fewer risk factors, those risks can rise as you get older, so it’s important to educate yourself.


A terrifying condition is prostate cancer. Any man can develop prostate cancer, and it’s difficult for the loved ones of those who are impacted because they are unsure of how to comfort their friend after receiving a prostate cancer diagnosis. But, we want you to be aware that there are things you can do to support your friends who have been told they have prostate cancer.

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