February 02, 202415 min read

If you’re a senior consumer, you might be curious about how your life insurance costs stack up against those of a person with type 2 diabetes. Worrying about the future and the cost of living after retirement is a regular occurrence.

Diabetes can cause a wide range of issues, some of which may place further strain on your retirement resources.

Several insurance coverage options are available that can help shield against some financial pressures in later life. Read our blog post right now to learn more about rates for diabetic elders.

Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Diabetes

Type 2 diabetics can still find life insurance at reasonable prices. Let’s talk about Type 2 Diabetes…

With type 2 diabetes, is life insurance still available? What exactly is the situation with Type 2 diabetes and life insurance? Will my life insurance be rejected because I have diabetes? So many inquiries.

We’ll let you know the details.

The best chance of obtaining low-cost life insurance premiums as a Type 2 diabetes is, above all, to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Finding affordable life insurance can be challenging for those who are likely to be seen as high risk candidates by insurance providers, such as Type 2 diabetics.

However there are diabetes life solutions out there.

Type 2 Diabetes and Life Insurance Rates

The majority of individuals are aware of how important life insurance protection is.

If anything unforeseen were to happen to you, a decent life insurance coverage might provide financial security for your loved ones.

Learn more about diabetic life insurance by reading the information below.

What are the top 5 fears of diabetics

Living with diabetes can be an extremely stressful health condition.

Diabetes patients must contend with ongoing health issues. If you don’t take care of yourself, the long-term symptoms of this disease might be very difficult to handle.

Some people must use insulin pumps against their will.

I have relatives who suffer from this terrible condition.

I am aware of the numerous thoughts that run through your head. like the following

  • Low blood sugar Drug-related problems

  • food alterations

  • complications that lead to heart attacks and strokes

  • Is this how my life will end?

Can You Get Life Insurance With Diabetes

Your family will have reliable financial support thanks to life insurance, and you can also provide some funding for them.

But, if you don’t have life insurance, your family will be responsible for paying off any debts you may have as well as your final expenses.

Do not give up on your quest for inexpensive life insurance despite the fact that receiving a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis may make it more difficult.

If properly managed, affordable diabetic life insurance is possible Life Insurance Policy For Diabetics

Life Insurance Policy For Diabetics

What about Pre-Diabetes life insurance? Your pre-existing health conditions, such as diabetes, will have an impact on the rates.

Your blood sugar level will determine how you respond to pre-diabetes. Later on in this essay, we’ll go into more detail about this.

Adult Onset Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a symptom that your blood sugar or glucose levels are too high. The more prevalent type of diabetes, type 2, affects how well insulin is produced and utilised by the body.

A hormone called insulin facilitates the entry of glucose into your cells, giving them extra energy.

Over time, severe problems with your heart, eyes, kidneys, nerves, gums, and teeth may result from high blood sugar.

In fact, this may cause you to develop underlying medical concerns in the future.

Does Type 2 Diabetes Affect Life Insurance – Family History

Your family history and life insurance both significantly affect you.

If you are elderly, already have diabetes, have a family history of diabetes, or don’t exercise, you are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Pre-diabetes increases your risk as well. Pre-diabetes is characterised by elevated blood sugar levels that are not yet severe enough to be referred to as diabetes.

If you are at risk for type 2 diabetes, changing your lifestyle may help you delay or stop the disease from progressing.

Compared to Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes makes it simpler to obtain approval for life insurance coverage.

Less risky for insurance companies is type 2.

Remember that this is accurate if you are being controlled by medication.

Can You Get Life Insurance With Diabetes – Underwriting

Life insurance firms that underwrite life insurance examine the following:

Medical Information Bureau (MIB report) ~ In 1902, the Medical Information Bureau (MIB report) was founded. The objective was to offer carriers fraud protection services. Over 500 member insurance companies from the United States and Canada collectively own this group. Throughout the underwriting process of your life insurance application, they serve the function of evaluating an applicant’s risk.

Credit Report ~ Insurance firms also go at your credit report in addition to the MIB report.

Since you’ll probably be paying monthly or even yearly premiums, they check to verify if you’re paying your bills on time.

There are various premium payment options available.

In case there are any discrepancies, please contact us for further information about the MIB or to acquire a copy of your MIB report.

To access their website, CLICK HERE.

How Do You Know If You Are Diabetic

Type 2 diabetes symptoms develop gradually.

Some folks may not in any manner detect symptoms.

What are type 2 diabetes’s initial warning signs? These signs could be:

  • Having blurry eyesight

  • Weight Loss

  • Urinating often

  • Having sores that heal slowly

  • Being very thirsty

  • Feeling very hungry or tired

  • Tingling, pain, or numbness in the hands/feet

Diabetes can be detected through blood tests. The A1C test is one type of test that can assess your diabetes management.

Several people can control their diabetes via a good diet, regular exercise, and blood sugar monitoring.

Some people with diabetes also need to take medication.

Diabetes And Life Insurance

Although there are many different forms of diabetes, Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes account for the majority of instances.

Insulin is not produced by type 1 diabetics, which obviously has harmful implications on the body.

Conversely, people with type 2 diabetes still make some insulin, but typically not enough or in a controlled manner.

Insuring persons with Type 1 diabetes is a bigger problem for insurance providers.

Nonetheless, a Type 2 diabetic who is uncontrolled may fall under the same heading.

With life insurance for type 1 diabetics, it is more difficult to obtain inexpensive premiums.

Also, if you can demonstrate that your diabetes is under control and that you are receiving the right medications, getting standard rates shouldn’t be an issue.

Affordable diabetes life insurance is available to people with regulated blood sugar levels who are over 75.

Affordable Life Insurance For Diabetics

Certainly, there are many things you can do as a person with type 2 diabetes to increase your chances of finding affordable life insurance.

Which life insurance policies offer the best prices for people with type 2 diabetes? Here are a few of these to consider:

Improve Your General Health — A medical examination is a need for low-cost life insurance. It’s critical to do well during this medical examination because the outcome will have a big impact on how much your life insurance will cost. Make sure to exercise, eat healthfully, decrease your blood pressure, and try to get your diabetes under control with the right therapies before the exam.

Quit Your Bad Habits — Get Rid of Your Negative Habits Smokers should anticipate paying 2 to 3 times as much for life insurance as nonsmokers do. If you give up smoking a year before applying, your charges could be slashed in half.

Compare companies — Comparing insurers is important because they all have unique medical underwriting policies. This implies that the perceived level of risk you face will differ among businesses. In order to acquire the greatest deal, it is imperative that you obtain many quotations.

Hire An Independent Insurance Agent — Employ an independent insurance agent; they can put you in touch with the best life insurance providers. You will have a better chance of obtaining affordable coverage because they will know which companies have less stringent underwriting policies for those with type 2 diabetes.


The second action you should take is to put away whatever tobacco you have on hand.

Your life insurance premiums will skyrocket if you declare that you smoke on the application.

Smokers really end up paying twice as much for life insurance than a healthy non-smoker would.

You should stop using any tobacco products if you want to save money. Now is the moment to permanently break the bad behaviour.

Banner Life Insurance Safe AIG Prudential are some of the best life insurance companies for diabetics.

Best Life Insurance Companies For Diabetics

  • Banner Life Insurance

  • Protective

  • AIG

  • Prudential

A no medical exam policy for diabetics is always a possibility if you are having problems getting admitted or you don’t want to have a medical examination.

In fact, for people with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes, this might be the best option.

Also, it keeps them from paying higher premiums for life insurance due to their health.

Remember that no medical exam life insurance plans are typically more expensive. In actuality, this ought to be a final option.

Not a Medical Exam Life Insurance For Diabetics Businesses

Which non-medical insurance providers would you suggest?

Term Life Insurance For Diabetics

  • Only death benefits are paid by term life insurance. One can buy term insurance for durations of 10, 20, or 30 years. Alternatively, to a specified age, like 65. Premium payments are assured. The beneficiary receives the death benefit, which is not taxed.

Whole Life Insurance For Diabetics

  • Lifelong protection insurance Options for permanent life insurance (also known as whole life insurance) will be more expensive for diabetics than for non-diabetics. Whole Life is really more expensive than term life insurance. Your premium may be dramatically raised by the cash value feature.

Can Diabetics Get Life Insurance – Insulin Dependent

While applying for life insurance, there are a few considerations to take into account if you are insulin dependent.

What is the level of your blood sugar?

The A1C is what? Based on various other health concerns, like cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.

Moreover, obtaining approval for a standard or standard plus rate may be possible if your results fall within the typical range.

You can get more assistance from your independent agent by being open and proactive with them.

Let’s face it, protecting your family at the best possible price with the finest carrier is your main concern here.

There is no one better to assist you in doing this than your agent!

Best Life Insurance Rates For Diabetics

This could be difficult if you also have other health issues in addition to diabetes.

but it’s still doable.

The best place to start is by getting in touch with a freelance agent.

He or she will be aware of which carriers are the finest option for your health issues because each has specific requirements.

Finally, I’d like to talk about the topic covered in this article’s title, which is Diabetic Life Insurance Prices.

I’ll go ahead and offer examples of how a diabetic who is well-managed and has an A1C of 7 or below would differ from, say, a diabetic who is unmanaged and has an A1C of 9 to 9.9.

It’s important to comprehend the factors the insurance provider will consider when deciding on your ultimate quote and approval for diabetes life insurance.

Diabetes Life Insurance Quotes – How To Get The Best Rates

How to obtain diabetics the best life insurance premiums. What you should be aware of

  • Your age of diagnosis – The range of rating class you will receive will primarily depend on your age at diagnosis. Type 2 diabetes will have a greater detrimental effect on your rate the younger you are when you receive the diagnosis.

  • A1C History Even more crucial, your A1C history serves as a benchmark for managing your diabetes and blood sugar levels. For some, it resembles their fasting blood sugar. You must demonstrate to the insurance provider that you take seriously managing your type 2 diabetes if you want to receive the best prices. In the end, having an A1C ≤ 7 indicates great management.

  • Lifestyle with Diabetes –The majority of people believe that being overweight or obese is a prerequisite for getting diabetes. Of course, this might be the case in some instances. Having a history of good health, healthy diet, and potential weight loss will help diabetics get the best possible life insurance rates. Stop smoking right away! Stopping smoking will also have a significant impact on your rate. Insurance companies frown upon diabetics who also smoke, and some may reject your application or rating you off the market. A guaranteed acceptance life insurance policy might be your only choice in this situation.

  • Other Health Impairments –You may have higher rates if you have other health issues such high blood pressure, a history of heart attacks, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Life Insurance Diabetes Questionnaire

Underwriting will also need to know the following information in addition to the ones listed above:

  • Diabetes medication types you are currently taking

  • a directory of doctors with phone numbers

  • recent yearly doctor visit and blood BP

  • additionally, your doctors’ medical records

  • Do you smoke?

  • Life Insurance and Diabetes

Does Diabetes Affect Life Insurance

Is a frequent question from our clients. Honesty be told, yes.

I am aware that was not the response you were hoping for. Please understand that this does not imply that you are not insurable.

Finding you the best carrier at the best price is the only thing that matters. In fact, even if you are insulin dependent, you can still get life insurance.

Each carrier has a unique perspective on every individual.

We frequently remind our clients of this, and we also do so in our publications.

Can A Type 2 Diabetic Get Life Insurance

You can easily control your diabetes. Your doctor will go over how frequently you need to monitor your blood sugar levels with you. To stay within a certain selection is the goal.

To manage diabetes, abide by following suggestions:

  • Incorporate nutritious carbs and fiber-rich meals in your regular diet plan. Consuming healthy grains, fruits, and vegetables may help you maintain stable blood sugar levels.

  • Eat consistently.

  • Eat simply till you are satisfied.

  • Get your weight under control and keep your heart healthy.

  • Do some aerobic exercise for 30 minutes every day to maintain your heart healthy. Moreover, exercise will aid in blood sugar control.

Best Life Insurance for Diabetics

Your healthcare professional will go through how to spot the early warning symptoms of high or low blood sugar as well as what to do in each situation.

You might even get help from your doctor in figuring out which foods are healthy and which ones are not.

Maybe not everyone with type 2 diabetes needs to take insulin. Several drugs are available to aid Type 2 diabetics.

Life Insurance For Diabetics Type 2

There are numerous alternatives for treatment. The medications your doctor recommends will depend on any additional health conditions you may have. and how well your body responds to drugs.

Diabetes management includes:

  • Metformin ~ The most popular treatment for type 2 diabetes is metformin. This oral medication is available as a liquid or pill. It’s frequently the first medication people with type 2 diabetes take. Metformin lowers the amount of sugar your liver produces and improves the way your body uses insulin.

  • Insulin therapy ~ Treatment with insulin There are numerous varieties of insulin. They differ in terms of when they start working at their best and how long they last. There are various ways to give insulin. This consists of an inhaler, a jet injector, a needle, a pump, and an interface.

  • Sulfonylureas ~ These medications aid in the body’s utilisation of insulin by causing the pancreas to release more of the hormone. Glyburide, glimepiride (Amaryl), and glipizide (Glucotrol) are common sulfonylureas (DiaBeta, Micronase, and Glynase).

  • Meglitinides ~ Like sulfonylureas, these drugs encourage the body to produce more insulin. Some oral medications, like repaglinide (Prandin) and nateglinide (Starlix), act quickly and pass through the body quickly. They can only be used before meals, thus.

What Is The Latest Treatment For Type 2 Diabetes

Some recommendations for treating type 2 diabetes are listed below. Always seek medical advice.

  • Thiazolidinediones: These oral drugs, often known as TZDs or glitazones, reduce insulin resistance. Pioglitazone (Actos) and rosiglitazone are the drugs in this group (Avandia).

  • Gliptins, also known as DPP-4 inhibitors, are drugs that promote the body’s release of insulin. In one instance, sitagliptin (Januvia).

  • SGLT2 inhibitors ~ These oral medications assist your kidneys in eliminating sugar from your body via urine. Canagliflozin (Invokana), dapagliflozin (Farxiga), and empagliflozin are all members of this class (Jardiance).

  • GLP-1 receptor agonists- They are injectable medications that slow digestion, improve insulin sensitivity, and stop the liver from releasing a lot of sugar into the blood. Examples include exenatide (Byetta), liraglutide (Victoza), and dulaglutide (Trulicity).

  • Bariatric surgery: According to research, weight loss surgery may help certain Type 2 diabetics who are obese control their blood sugar levels. After a bariatric treatment, some people could no longer require diabetes medications. These effects differ from patient to patient, though.

Sample Term Life Insurance Rates

for a 40-year-old healthy man or woman who is buying a $500,000 20-year term life insurance policy. Diabetes Type 2 Patients:

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