Facts About Life Insurance Rates and Being Overweight

Facts About Life Insurance Rates and Being Overweight

January 10, 202511 min read

For those who are overweight, life insurance premiums are higher. This is due to the fact that life insurers often believe that these people have a higher probability of passing away from conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and other weight-related illnesses.

Many insurance policies consider a person’s height/weight ratio along with their blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and activity level when determining the rate they will pay for life insurance coverage, despite the statistics that show an increase in life expectancy among those who are overweight or obese.

It may be good for someone who is overweight to lose some weight before applying for new coverage in order to save money on premiums.

Can You Get Life Insurance If You’re Overweight

Will life insurance be much more expensive if I’m overweight?

About half of the approximately 130 million Americans who are considered to be overweight or obese are also considered to be obese. Of course, your general health has a big impact on the prices life insurance providers will give you.

Insurance companies frequently view overweight applicants as high-risk candidates. especially if they further struggle with underlying health issues. This implies that they must pay more for their life insurance. If their application is approved, at least.

While determining the risk of applicants, a life insurance company takes into account a variety of characteristics, including weight.

Insurance companies are simply manipulating the statistics, despite the fact that it is possible to be overweight and otherwise healthy. Obese persons are much more likely to have (or eventually develop) type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, etc.

A lot of particular information, including as your body measurements and BMI, will be required by underwriters. You can be questioned about whether your extra weight is the result of a sickness. They’ll be curious about your weight patterns—does it fluctuate, or has it stayed largely the same over the past few years?

Will All Life Insurance Companies View Me The Same

Definitely not. Underwriting for medical conditions varies amongst life insurance companies. In reality, this indicates that while some insurers could consider your weight to be a high risk factor, others might provide you with a cost-effective life insurance coverage.

High-risk candidates, such as those who are obese or have a disease like bipolar disorder, must compare employers. Also, if you are really overweight, the majority of life insurance companies will view you as high risk.


The two most essential factors that life insurance companies use to establish a person’s rate class are, above all else, height and weight.

There are also construct tables that are available from all insurance companies. In actuality, these can all change depending on the rules of various life insurance companies.


Statistics also show that the average adult male in America is overweight. In actuality, the problem is with BMI charts. For instance, if this person indulges in a few more holiday meals over Christmas and gains a few pounds, he would then be classified as belonging to a different build category.

Good eating during a six-week period happens to all of us; I am personally guilty of it.


In terms of women, we observe that the average height for women is 5’4″ to 5’5″, with a typical weight of 165–170 lbs. In fact, by most criteria, this is considered to be “overweight” officially.

The typical woman, nevertheless, would nonetheless be able to fulfil the specifications for the top life insurance for obese consumers policy quotations from numerous firms.

Normally, she would need to bring much more than 120 lbs before numerous life insurance companies refused to cover her.

If I Am Obese, Can I Find A Good Life Insurance Policy

Life Insurance Rates and Being Overweight

The cost of life insurance and being overweight

Yes! Even if they are not in the recommended weight range for their height, consumers may still locate a coverage that meets their needs. We looked at a few weight-recommendation guidelines and discovered some intriguing information.

In fact, average-weight people can put on more than 100 pounds before they can no longer afford life insurance.

For instance, a customer who is 5’8″ tall would need to weigh more than 300 lbs in order to be turned down. Use an independent agency like DiabeticInsuranceSolutions.com to be sure before he is turned down for life insurance. Your agent may advise you on everything from the size of your death benefit to the company that offers the most forgiving terms to the cost of your premiums.

Recall that the build charts varies depending on the life insurance company. So, it is important to consider a few carriers that are easy to construct.

Every life insurance company, as you can see, follows its own build graph. These are the rules to abide by. The rates that clients may receive are determined by life insurance agents.

What Factors Affect Life Insurance Coverage

Of course, other factors besides weight affect your insurance costs as well. Here is a summary of some more factors that could affect your life insurance:

  • Age(life expectancy) ~Your life insurance rates will increase as you get older.

  • Sex ~ Men typically pay significantly more for life insurance than women do.

  • Bad Habits ~If you smoke or drink too much, your rates could increase by two or three times.

  • Driving Record ​~Your premiums will almost surely increase if you have a DUI on your record.

  • Health History (family medical history) ~Those with a history of diseases like cancer, heart disease, etc. in their families may have to pay more for their life insurance. Have a regular physical, especially if there is a history in your family.

  • High Risk Activities ~like auto racing, for example.

Delaying Getting Life Insurance To Try To Lose Weight? Not A Good Idea

Many folks have told me they wish to delay getting life insurance so they can get in shape or lose weight. They fail to grasp that they will almost always wind up spending more money.

Just keep in mind that the carrier will only return 50% of any weight that is over 10 pounds. Some carriers will calculate your fee based on your heaviest weight from the preceding year. Hence, even if you lose thirty pounds and truly smash the ball, you won’t receive the pace you want.

Also, we all get busy and revert to our usual behaviours. When rates are higher, you often wait another year in this situation. It gets progressively difficult after the age of 50.

Your cholesterol and blood sugar levels will be examined by insurance underwriters. especially if you recently underwent a significant weight loss. If there was a history of diabetes or high blood sugars, they want to know.

You must meet the requirements for weight and stature and be considered a minimal risk overall in order to be eligible for a Preferred Best rate. Acting on this is much simpler while you’re in your 20s and 30s.

There may be some health difficulties after you reach your forties. Because your metabolism slows down, it’s harder. I always claim that I understand why athletes stop competing at the age of 40. They either lose sight of the ball or their bodies can no longer keep up with the youth.


A person can take a number of actions to reduce the cost of their life insurance. Take into account the following advice if you want to purchase life insurance at a lower cost:

  • As was previously discussed, quitting smoking will lower your rates.

  • If you give up using cigarettes entirely a year before applying, your premiums could be slashed in half.

  • Exercise more and adopt a healthy diet. The more physically fit you may become before applying for life insurance, the higher your chances of receiving an affordable policy are. That’s some inspiration, huh?

  • Before applying, take steps to lower your blood pressure because high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a major turnoff for life insurance providers.

  • Comparing providers will increase your chances of getting an affordable life insurance coverage. By using an independent insurance agent, you may get in touch with the top life insurance providers and learn which firms have more liberal underwriting policies for obese applicants.

Bariatric Surgery And Life Insurance Rates

At DiabeticInsuranceSolutions.com, we specialise in helping clients who have had various types of bariatric weight loss surgery obtain life insurance. They can include a lap band or a gastric bypass operation.

The “half weight-loss credit” is most important, although only a few insurance only charge partially for the first two years following surgery. Also, a lot of employers delay processing your application for 12 months after your procedure. Some, though, may merely offer you a subpar rate up to your annual follow-up.

They frequently accept a life insurance application six months after your procedure has been finished if you have not experienced any post-operative issues. But once more, you’ll pay for it. I work with clients to obtain the most affordable term, which is typically 10 years.

Once you’ve completed the entire year, the plan would be to replace. After this, we would part ways permanently.

You will require the assistance of an independent life insurance consultant due to these underwriting rules.

At DiabeticInsuranceSolutions.com, we can locate the top insurers who are accommodating of any weight reduction operation.

This will give our consumers the best options at the most affordable price.

Life Insurance Tips For Those That Are Overweight Or Obese

Here are some pointers to keep in mind while purchasing a life insurance coverage. To position yourself for the greatest rate possible, concentrate on these.

  • Be 100% Honest About Your Weight: There is no way to hide your weight, so be really honest about it. If you choose a completely unwritten path, an examiner will weigh you. They will obtain your medical data if you purchase no-medical term life insurance. It’s best to always be straightforward. The discussions with the carrier will be handled by us.

  • Find An Agent That Is Independent: Above all, this is most likely the most significant factor in getting the most affordable coverage. REMOVE yourself from enslaved agents. Some agents think that one size fits all. Imagine visiting a clothing store where the only sizes available fit individuals with ideal physical characteristics. At DiabeticInsuranceSolutions.com, we will customise a policy for you.

  • Exam Preparation: Passing an exam is the best method to earn the grade you deserve. gives you the best opportunity to receive the best rate for which you qualify. Because they do not consider your fluids, no medical insurance policies are frequently more expensive. You are seen as a larger risk by them. Also, you should ensure that you take your exam early in the morning. You self-fasted the previous night, so now you are at your lightest.

  • Big Weight Loss Can Hurt You: Carriers of life insurance prefer to see stable weight. They dislike changes that are greater than 10 pounds. It is also based on statistics. They will therefore base their decision on the facts, which show a significant weight loss over the past year. that it is likely that you will gain at least half of the weight back.

  • Waiting Can Put Your Family At Risk: Keep in mind that delaying this could affect the rate. We are all just one emergency room visit away from being insured. And folks just pass away! I once had clients who put things off and passed away. The worst phone call to receive is from a spouse who wants to know if her partner had insurance. They delayed because they had to decline. In conclusion, avoid endangering your family. Allow DiabeticInsuranceSolutions.com to come up with a plan to make sure you obtain what you require right away. But subsequently, don’t play too much.

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Making sure you have the information and protection you require for peace of mind is our mission and our passion! You don’t need life insurance; it’s for the people you leave behind. You, your spouse, and your kids. even without you there, to give them everything you have planned for them. Don’t let them flinch. The Last Chance To Say I Love You: Life Insurance


More and more people are becoming aware of the necessity of purchasing life insurance every day. It might be time for you to look around for the best carrier if you’ve recently received a medical diagnosis or if a disease runs in your family.

You need someone who understands how to deal with people like us whose weight falls outside of what is generally seen as healthy. We can help!

Our team specialises in offering insurance designed especially for people who deal with overweight issues such as diabetes and heart disease since we believe that everyone deserves adequate coverage regardless of health status. If this sounds like something you might be interested in knowing more about, get in touch with us right away!

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