Ultimate Guide To Buying Burial Insurance For Parents In 2023

Ultimate Guide To Buying Burial Insurance For Parents In 2024

February 17, 202430 min read

Above all, buying burial insurance for parents is crucial so that loved ones won’t be stuck paying astronomical funeral costs! There are certain inquiries that must be made, though!

Can you find parents’ life insurance? What if they don’t have good health? Funeral insurance for parents is the easiest policy to get approved for since it has lax underwriting requirements.

Are parent life insurance, burial insurance, funeral insurance, and final expense insurance the same thing? Yes, it is the answer. Every issue has been simplified during life.

In actuality, getting accepted without a medical exam is a relatively simple process. Answering a few health-related questions will get you the financial protection you deserve.

We will all eventually have to confront our mortality, even though it is never a fun subject to contemplate.

Your children will be left with hospital bills and burial costs when you pass away, which they may not be able to cover on their own.

Therefore, if you anticipate facing financial difficulty, you should research the finest funeral insurance to cover your parents’ ultimate costs.

One option to give parents the money they require to cover those fees for end-of-life expenses is through burial insurance.

Remember that the cost of a burial service often ranges from $7500 and over.

Additionally, it’s a terrific way to guarantee that your final intentions are honoured and precisely carried out.

For additional details about this kind of insurance and other people’s burial insurance, continue reading. Keep in mind that this coverage is the easiest to obtain because it can be authorised instantly and requires no physical.

Can I Get Life Insurance On My Parents

Most people would emphasise that their parents are a financial burden if they die without having this taken care of.

This post will explain how to obtain burial insurance for a parent if you are wondering how to do so.

But first, let’s go over the typical queries that precede it.

The most frequent inquiries I receive are:

  • Can I thus purchase funeral insurance for my parents?

  • How can I get my parents life insurance?

  • How can I get a burial insurance policy for someone else?

  • Can I purchase life insurance for my parents privately?

  • Can my parents purchase burial insurance?

  • How can I get quotes from my parents today?

I receive calls from adult children or grandchildren 90% of the time, asking me to make sure they are shielded from the financial burden. If a death benefit is received through burial insurance to pay the last costs, this financial burden will be lessened.

These are the most frequently asked questions, by far. In actuality, having elderly parents without a burial coverage might be upsetting. especially if your parent is suffering from a pre-existing disease that is making their health worse.

You can buy funeral burial insurance for your parents as long as you have an insurable interest and they are aware of it.

Ultimate Guide To Buying Burial Insurance For Parents In 2023

Can You Buy Life Insurance On Your Parents

funeral expenses if they are older than 75?

Today, it is crucial that elderly parents acquire burial insurance from a burial insurance firm. The parents’ death benefit takes care of this because you do not want to be left with a burden when that time comes.

In the end, the funeral home will need to be compensated!

Getting burial expenditure insurance on someone else is simpler than you might think, whether you need burial rates for your mother or burial insurance for parents who are over 80.

Numerous burial insurance providers provide level, same-day, immediate coverage, even for pre-existing diseases. In reality, among the best are Mutual of Omaha, Royal Neighbors, and AETNA.

Additionally, no medical examination is necessary!

What about no medical exam life insurance policies?

As we already indicated, there are NO examinations. These whole-life policies have a simplified issue. The death benefit is paid to the recipient at the time of death by the burial insurance company without the need for an examination.

You can designate anyone with an insurable interest as the beneficiary. This might be your partner, your kids, your grandchildren, or even a funeral home. My recommendation is to stick with family members rather than an organisation or a “for-profit” company like a funeral home.

What if my parents have multiple funeral policies?

That’s also fine. More frequently than not, we discover that parents desire to fill in the gaps since their current final expense insurance simply isn’t enough to meet their funeral expenses. This ensures that the death benefit will be paid.

Sometimes, they purchase a burial policy just for the funeral and designate the funeral home as the beneficiary.

Maybe they wish to establish a trust fund or a legacy for their grandchildren. The insurance provider will also accept this.

Ask us how it’s done, and we’ll walk you through the steps!

Step-by-Step Guide to Buying Burial Insurance for Parents

One consideration while shopping for a funeral insurance policy for parents is usually whether we also require coverage for ourselves.

To prevent our loved ones from going through financial trouble when we pass away, we bought it.

Once more, the funeral home needs to be paid!

Even though it might not be your top concern, you should think about doing this because there might still be unforeseen expenses that crop up after death.

In actuality, regardless of their age or previous state of health when they passed away.

Nothing is more sad than losing a loved one, especially if you are forced to handle their final debts and burial arrangements.

This can become not only emotionally taxing but also financially strangling!

For people who find themselves in such circumstances, there is still hope.

The goal is to obtain a simple issue whole life insurance coverage policy with no medical exam so that you are never in that situation.

Find out how much coverage Your Mom or Dad needs

Depending on the style, funeral expenditures might range from $9,000 to tens of thousands.

These expenses might not cover gravestone and plot purchases, viewing the remains in a funeral home, or transportation of the remains.

So that you will know exactly how much funeral insurance would cost, getting estimates early will help you decide what’s best for your family.

Additionally, it’s crucial to have an independent agent shop you around to Trinity Life, Mutual of Omaha, and AETNA.

Find a policy that fits Mom and Dads needs

Choosing Parent Burial Insurance can be a challenging subject to comprehend, therefore it’s crucial that you choose the finest policy for your requirements.

Additionally, it is important to make sure you consider all of your possibilities before choosing one.

For instance, just because one option has a lower monthly cost doesn’t necessarily indicate that it provides all the coverage you require.

Above all, determine whether there are comparable-priced plans that offer more features or greater coverage.

When determining the precise rate class, it is also crucial to learn about any current diseases and drugs. Keep in mind that the best carrier and pricing are determined by the rate class.

Decide who will own and pay for Mom and Dad’s policy

It typically requires parental approval to purchase insurance for them. A few, nevertheless, will provide a POA if a POA is necessary due to pre-existing issues.

An application for the parent’s burial policy must be signed in order to gain this consent, and occasionally a medical examination (also known as a life insurance exam) is required.

If your parents are psychologically incapable of making their own decisions, certain burial insurance providers may also accept a power of attorney.

To learn more about the best burial insurance providers, visit this page: life insurance quotes for parents.

Who offers the most affordable senior life insurance

How much does senior burial insurance cost?

Your health profile will determine the average cost of funeral insurance.

Getting you immediate coverage with a business like Mutual of Omaha is always our primary goal.

There are many considerations, including:

  • Age Medical background (Pre-existing)

  • Currently Taking, etc.

  • medical diseases or procedures

Funeral Life Insurance For Under 50-year-Old Parents

There are few options available if you’re looking for burial insurance for elderly parents who are under 50. Nevertheless, we will locate the ideal product regardless of present medical issues.

In fact, let’s discuss who is the best at this age if we’re going to talk about this.

Let’s face it, finding the finest funeral insurance for parents when under 50 is uncommon.

For instance, the majority of consumers under 50 want 30-year terms. You can find affordable estimates for burial insurance.

The important thing is to stop putting things off any longer.

We experience life’s busyness, and we are consumers just like you. We believe we have time, but we truly don’t know what the future holds.

Burial Insurance For Parents Over 50

Can I purchase life insurance for my mother? Yes!

She is still young at 50 years old. Is your health still good? So, YES! The prices are listed below.

In fact, your parents will likely be overjoyed that you are relieving them of this responsibility if they have put it off for years.

The ultimate expenses will be paid for by the burial insurance provider. Pre-existing conditions and drugs will be based on the rating class.

Burial Insurance For Parents Over 60

Can parents who are over 60 purchase a burial insurance policy?

Even if you have certain pre-existing conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure, the insurance provider probably still considers your parents to be in good health at this age. The greatest time to buy burial insurance is right now.

According to a poll I just read, 69% of Americans have savings totaling less than $1,000. To take the survey, click here.

Is this enough for you to pay for the funeral expenses? Will your family have enough money to pay for your funeral after you die away?

The short answer is no, taking everything into account.

Many families purchase a funeral policy for themselves or their parents as a result.

Consider this: Would you have $10,000–$15,000 on hand to pay a hefty burial expense?

Life Insurance For Parents Over 70 It IS Possible!

Once more, individuals over 70 are best suited for burial life insurance. In fact, since pre-existing conditions might worse as you age, there should be more urgency. This can lead to a higher rate.

My parents’ burial insurance made things simple because it’s a manageable undertaking at their age.

Overall, since the average lifespan is 10 years, funeral insurance for people over 70 is crucial.

You’re here for a reason—you want to offer your parents some piece of mind so they won’t have to worry about paying for their funerals if they pass away.

Call us for the finest choices to ensure that an insurance company pays a death benefit when you need it most.

Who has the finest life insurance for burial?

Here is just one example of the many burial insurance businesses available, offering INSTANT SAME DAY APPROVAL through VOICE SIGNATURE, SECURITY QUESTIONS, AND EMAIL SIGNATURE…

It’s a no-brainer to choose

  • Royal Neighbors

  • Liberty Bankers


  • Mutual of Omaha

Final expense life insurance without an exam!

Can you get life insurance at age 80 and Over

For those over 85, insurance coverage is still accessible. Even if you have pre-existing conditions, in fact.

On the first day of the policy, you can still give your parents total protection even when they are in their 80s! Yes, life insurance for people over 80!

It’s crucial that your elderly parents have the appropriate insurance coverage if they have any illnesses or conditions.

For instance, the Living Promise final expense policy from Mutual of Omaha offers immediate coverage for people up to age 85 with a reasonable premium and no waiting period.

To receive this type of service, nevertheless, there are some requirements! Fear not—the majority of pre-existing conditions are accepted.

We want them to be in good enough physical condition to not have any long-term effects on things like healthcare.

Payday loans and greasy hamburgers shouldn’t be your parents’ final resting place.

Now is the time to purchase funeral life insurance so we can assist them in having a dignified send-off without having to worry about the cost!

Can I Get Life Insurance On My Parents

How to Talk To Parents About Burial Insurance

Burial insurance is a delicate subject, but it’s crucial to discuss it with your parents.

Even though you are legally permitted to act as their guardian or next-of-kin (NOK), they might not be in favour of you purchasing it on their behalf.

But don’t worry, there are many things we’ve learned through speaking with others who just lost loved ones, so whatever transpires during these conversations:

Getting Life Insurance On Your Parent Talk

  1. Decide to speak: Having burial insurance is a smart option so that your parents can rest easy knowing you’re ready for anything. I’ll start talking about things over time while giving myself more room when those conversations become necessary or appropriate again. You might be faced with the reality of their passing, but it might also bring them some peace if they are struggling with what this means for us both moving forward and how we will pay our respects afterward.

  2. receptive to emotions Being considerate to your parents’ sentiments is crucial. Even if they are agreeing beforehand and are aware of what will happen when they pass away, they could find it difficult to let you pay for this since it might make them feel that they don’t need to prepare for or accept their imminent death yet.

  3. Include the siblings: Include any siblings in your plans, if applicable. Ask them if they would need assistance paying the monthly or yearly funeral insurance premium and inform their parents of the situation to avoid any misunderstandings.

  4. Keep it relaxed and unhurried: Because sometimes we have to hold back what we want or feel in order to meet the requirements of the other person, it is crucial to listen without passing judgement. When presenting burial insurance, you could feel annoyed, but remember that there are numerous types of coverage available to suit everyone’s demands!

Talk about the body’s natural deterioration as well as how future pre-existing conditions may effect the cost if they are not treated now to create a sense of urgency. In fact, if you don’t act now, YOU, the adult child, will pay more.

Can I Buy A Life Insurance Policy For A Family Member

Can you purchase funeral insurance to pay for your parents’ final expenses?

Is it feasible to buy burial insurance to pay for someone else’s funeral expenses?

is the everyday question we get the most. You can, indeed.

No of their health history, our major purpose is to offer you the best funeral coverage for parents.

Additionally, we will demonstrate how to get parent burial insurance while holding your hands.

Do my parents qualify for funeral life insurance?

Can You Buy An Insurance Policy On Someone Else

Can I purchase a funeral plan on behalf of another person?

As long as they are informed, you can buy a funeral plan for someone else.

Can my parents purchase burial insurance? Yes!

It can be your mother or father, a close relative, or a loved one for whom you are the next of kin and who has no family.

Not only does it provide you peace of mind, but it also gives your loved one peace of mind.

A POA may also be employed in specific circumstances if there are serious pre-existing conditions.

Can I Get Life Insurance On My Parents

Best Funeral Insurance For Seniors

However, Mutual of Omaha’s Living Promise last expense plan is the greatest option if you’re in good health for burial insurance.

Additionally, Great Western offers a fantastic guaranteed issue whole-life coverage if you have serious health conditions.

Ages 40 and over are eligible for this policy.

Maximum coverage amounts for Mutual of Omaha and Great Western are both $40,000. It is always preferable to buy burial insurance as soon as possible if you have no history of illness.

No Exam Life Insurance For Parents

Can you purchase funeral insurance without a physical? How much?

There is no exam, which is one of the best things about this same-day immediate burial policy.

This is straightforward whole life insurance without a medical exam, not term life insurance! However, when determining a rate class and carrier, medical history can be important.

As we have already indicated, the funeral insurance provider will inquire about your medical history, but that is all.

We identify the greatest top-ranked A+ rated carrier after qualifying you because, as you are aware, each carrier has its own rules.

Then, based on a few fundamental, standard health inquiries that every carrier is required to do, we can provide you with an accurate price.

How Does Burial Insurance Work When Buying For Parents

Is it wise to purchase burial insurance?

The kind of life insurance that would assist you and your parents relax is burial insurance, sometimes referred to as final expense life insurance or funeral insurance.

Funeral life insurance payments are minimal in comparison to what you could have to pay for your parents’ funerals, even with AAA coverage.

All funeral expenses, hospital expenses, funeral directors’ fees, funeral homes’ costs, and other expenses are covered by burial life insurance.

Above all, a claim form would be completed and submitted along with the death certificate in the event that your parents passed away.

In fact, we’ll walk with you every step of the way throughout this difficult time.

Buying Funeral Policy For Parents

Can I acquire my parents’ funeral insurance?

(Also known as parent’s funeral insurance)

Growing up, your parents provided for all of your needs.

Now that you are the adult children, you are asking yourself, “Can I obtain funeral insurance for my parents today?” The roles have changed.

One of the nicest things you can do for your family is to purchase burial insurance, sometimes referred to as final expense life insurance.

You’re now wondering how to get your parents’ insurance.

Final Expense is the fastest, most economical, and has Same Day Approval. Let’s start!

Does life insurance for funerals make sense, then?



In fact, let’s get started with some advice so you can start safeguarding your loved ones right away.

Can I Get Life Insurance On My Parents

How To Buy Life Insurance For My Parents

Know the Health History of Your Parents

**The more details you can give us, the more effectively we can help you choose the best carrier and price!

When you call us for a quote, have the following information ready:

  • Height/Weight

  • Their Contact Information

  • birth date

  • History of Prescriptions (Lists of Past and Current Medications)

  • Medical Background (Dates Of Procedures Or Surgeries)

  • Health Issues

  • Who Will Be The Policy Payor? ( Who Will Pay The Premiums)

  • Beneficial Name(s) (Date Of Birth)

  • Amount of desired coverage

What Is The Difference Between Life and Burial Insurance For My Parents

What distinguishes burial from life insurance?

What is a burial policy?

It is life insurance, after all. Yes, they are the same.

A small simple issue whole life policy is all that burial insurance is.

Can I obtain funeral insurance for my parents? is a pretty typical query, as we’ve already mentioned.

To be clear, term life insurance is the most popular sort of life insurance to buy when a person is younger.

For instance, a 10-, 20-, or 30-year term policy, which often needed a physical examination.

These have all the same meaning:

  • insurance for unpaid bills

  • insurance for burial,

  • funeral,

  • and cremation

Therefore, buying a funeral insurance coverage for your parents is typically a pretty straightforward process that takes these days, no more than 30 minutes to have an active policy.

Therefore, when you purchase life insurance for burial, you can be sure that you will also be paying for your final bills, as they are one in the same.

Has my insurance a cash value?

These streamlined whole-life insurance contracts do build up cash value over time.

You can get an example of how this works from your independent agent.

Work With An Independent Insurance Agent

**With just a single phone call, we can compare your options across several burial insurance providers.

enabling instant, same-day approval for you. It simply doesn’t get much simpler!

We have clients all around the United States and abroad, and we are licenced in 49 states.

You will be guided through the application procedure by DiabeticInsuranceSolutions.com, which will also ask you certain necessary health-related questions.

We’ll explain the variations in buying burial insurance to you (final expense insurance).

Some of our customers frequently inquire with us about 20- and 30-year term insurance. (We’ll talk more about that in a second.)

We will precisely know what you qualify for based on the data you give us.

Whether it be assured issue life insurance or fast same-day streamlined issue-level benefits.

Instant Burial Insurance For Parents

Don’t wait any longer to do this!

Can I purchase my mother’s funeral insurance today?

The bottom line is that you will receive immediate, same-day approval for your parents in less than 30 minutes.

Why would you delay doing that?

No medical examination is necessary for burial coverage.

This ultimate expense insurance (burial insurance) is a long-term policy. It is valid for your parents’ entire lifetime!

In actuality, premiums won’t rise!

Once you’ve done this, you may continue living your life normally and having fun without having to give it a second thought.

Is it wise to buy burial insurance? ABSOLUTELY!

The Goodman Triangle definition

Important Tax Advice Later on, you’ll thank us.

The Goodman Triangle of every life insurance or burial insurance policy consists of three essential elements, which are crucial to comprehend.

When your dad passes away, JAX would receive the whole death benefit as he is the beneficiary if the insured (YOUR PARENT) is distinct from the payor (YOU) and the beneficiary is, say, your brother (JAX).

However, since YOU are the payer, the IRS will treat this as a gift to JAX and charge you the appropriate taxes.

How may the Goodman Triangle be avoided?

The same person should continue to be the Payor and Beneficiary.

What My Parents’ Burial Insurance Covers

Obtain Peace of Mind

Finally, you crossed this item off your to-do list!

For your parents, you have developed a final expense insurance strategy.

Your parents as well as you no longer have to worry about the cost of living.

Let’s face it; they could not have slept soundly knowing that you would have experienced financial hardship.

Can I Get Burial Insurance for my Parents Without Them Knowing

Parental Final Expense Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is a parent’s funeral policy and how does it work?

Generally speaking, you can be feeling overburdened and asking yourself:

  • Parents Burial Life Insurance No Medical Exam! Do My Parents Need to Get Sick?

Ask your independent agent about the terminal illness rider included into many of the burial plans; it is not a term life insurance policy like term life insurance; it is a simplified issue whole life insurance policy with SAME DAY INSTANT APPROVAL. such as Royal Neighbors of America or Mutual of Omaha.

  • How Can I Obtain Current Burial Insurance Rates And Quotes?

How do you go about getting your parents’ burial insurance? You can phone us or complete the estimate form on the left to get started; we are your personal, independent agents. We are available seven days a week to address your inquiries.

  • Is Funeral Life Insurance The Same As Burial Insurance For Seniors?

Yes, burial life insurance is available under a variety of names. Even though it may go by different names, the forms of burial insurance are the same.

  • What if my parents experience medical problems? What Is The Best Policy For Their Funeral Insurance?

Your parents may be eligible for a graded benefit of life insurance, depending on their health condition. They would still receive same-day approval, though. Burial insurance quotations are based on your eligibility, a few underwriting inquiries, and a few simple health impairment tests. Once we have gathered some of that information, we will be able to identify the appropriate carrier and provide you with a precise price for burial insurance based on your individual profile.

  • If my parents reside in a different state, can I still get life insurance for them?

There are a variety of state-regulated rules governing funeral insurance. Asking your independent agent is best because they can best advise you. The wonder of today’s technology! Your parents can reside in New Jersey while you live in California. These days, life insurance policies must be voice-signed for immediate approval or email-signed for immediate approval. This means that in most situations, all you really need is your phone!

  • Do I Require My Parents’ Permission?

Can I get my parents’ burial insurance without telling them? Life insurance on a parent without that parent’s consent is considered insurance fraud for term insurance purposes. Furthermore, there must be interest that is insurable. Therefore, when your parents die away, you must experience some sort of financial loss.

What aspects determine the cost of insurance?

What factors decide the insurance premium?

The premium is determined by a few different variables each month.

Age, health (some high-risk health problems would necessitate a guaranteed issue policy), and whether or not they smoke.

Do they suffer from chronic COPD, congestive heart failure, etc.?

Can I Make The Payments For My Dads’ Burial Insurance

Absolutely. Dad’s going to be covered. Anybody can make payments. This is a question that many of our customers have.

You should ask your agent this question even if some state-by-state burial insurance rules could vary.

Burial insurance, for instance, may have various rules or product restrictions depending on where you are, like New York or Florida.

How much is the average cost of a funeral for my Parents

What is the typical price of burial insurance today?

In the majority of states, funerals typically cost between $8,000 and $12,000. Funeral and burial expenses can mount quickly.

What are the anticipated insurance costs? Find out right away if purchasing burial insurance is worthwhile.

Here is a list of funeral costs that are normally related to a traditional service in light of this.

Funeral expenses differ from state to state (and cremation would be less expensive):

  • burial ground (ceremony)

  • casket

  • flowers

  • location

  • funeral home fees

  • conveyance (limousine, hearse) (limousine, hearse)

  • gravesite

  • Embodiment, etc.

Burial coverage is insurance to protect you from the financial strain caused by the death of your parents.

The beneficiaries of your parent’s life insurance policies will get the death benefit upon your parent’s passing.

This will now enable you to cover all of their funeral costs as well as any debt or medical obligations.

Burial Insurance No health Questions For Parents

What type of funeral life insurance is ideal for elderly parents who have health issues that pose a risk?

Life insurance providers offer assured issue policies for our parents and other cherished family members who suffer from chronic illnesses.

They are not all that dissimilar from a standard life insurance policy.

There are no health-related inquiries, though.

The minimum and maximum coverage amounts for people aged 50 to 85 differ by carrier.

The Truth About Funeral Insurance With No Waiting Period For Parents

Keep in mind that they are streamlined whole-life policies with same-day coverage, provided you qualify for a level benefit best plan. Same-day coverage denotes that it is current.

What is Voice Signature?

Is the best thing since sliced bread for obtaining your insurance.

You, your parent (who must be present), your agent, and the carrier representative conduct the full process over the phone.

The carrier will ask you a few health-related questions, get your personal information, and check the details you gave your agent.

The entire application procedure lasts about 10 to 15 minutes.

What is Email Signature?

The carrier will email the application to you and your parents for signature if you and your parents reside in different states.

as soon as you get the email.

You’ll use DocuSign to sign the application, and you’ll find out right away whether it was accepted or rejected.

Just a few mouse clicks will do it.

Your agent will help you if you have any questions while this process is going on.

Can I Get Life Insurance On My Parents

Burial Insurance Guaranteed Acceptance For Parents

A guaranteed issue life insurance company: what exactly is it?

There are always guaranteed acceptance life insurance plans if your parents infrequently do not qualify for simplified issued whole life owing to high-risk health conditions.

Instant approval on the same day, no health questions!

Yes, no health inquiries are required for funeral insurance!

A little bit higher premiums, but nothing compared to the price of a funeral.

Does the waiting period last two years? YES.

This is how it functions.

The level of coverage will not change. The beneficiary will get every premium put into the policy plus 10% if you pass away during the first two years from natural causes.

The beneficiary will receive the entire death benefit if you pass away in an accident within the first two years.

It doesn’t matter if you pass away due to an accident or natural causes after the two years have passed.

Some people may view the 2-year waiting time as a financial loss, but you must keep in mind that anything is better than nothing.

The dialogue is brief.

I can submit the application in less than 5 minutes as an agent because I have an AIG guaranteed issue agent login for the agent portal.

Yes, parents can get funeral life insurance in under five minutes!

I suppose the answer to the query, “Can I purchase life insurance for my parents?” has been provided!

What Type Of Final Expense Life Insurance Is Best For My Parents

How do I purchase parents’ burial insurance?

You first give DiabeticInsuranceSolutions.com a call!

The one they qualify with is the best response to this.

You will be asked some simple qualifying questions by DiabeticInsuranceSolutions.com, and we will choose the best carrier for you depending on your medical history.

While you wait, we will compare you with many A+Rated Carriers over the phone.

Nothing beats no waiting period burial insurance, in my opinion!

Burial Insurance Quote For Parents

Final thoughts: How to purchase parent life insurance.

We are eager to provide you with coverage so you may secure and safeguard your loved ones right away!

The Same Day Approval makes it simple to obtain burial insurance for parents. Don’t wait any longer to do this!

The price of burial insurance is the lowest it will ever be right now!

We can provide you with burial insurance whether you’re looking for it in Florida, Texas, California, or even elsewhere.

All 50 states have granted licences to DiabeticInsuranceSolutions.com!

The practise of final expenditure insurance has advanced significantly.

During a straightforward phone call with your independent agent, computer, and phone.

Within 30 minutes, you will obtain same-day quick approval.

Fast Quote Burial Insurance For Parents

How can I get life insurance for my parents right now?

Fill out the form on the right to obtain a quick quote right away.

How To Put Life Insurance On My Parents

Have a conversation with your parents first today.

Nobody wants you to be under any sort of financial strain.

Talk about their health issues and the prescriptions they are now taking.

As already established, you need their consent before you can purchase life insurance on them.

Give us a call once you and your parents are on the same page.

We will shop you around to the many life insurance providers mentioned above and others. Nobody can be refused insurance!

You will all feel at ease knowing that everything will be alright in the end.

Where Can I Get Life Insurance For My Parents

Clicking a button can get free information! Now ask me how!

Call us right away to learn how to purchase life insurance for my parents with same-day approval and fast coverage!

We will compare your case with several A+ rated top life insurance companies right now.

Call (855) 380-3300 ext. 2 if you have any inquiries for my life and business partner.

Request Lisamarie and I will set up your phone consultation to go over your alternatives.

CLICK HERE for more details on elder care.


What is burial insurance and how much do seniors need?

You and a life insurance company enter into a contract for burial insurance.

If your designated beneficiary has been identified as the primary or contingent beneficiary under the terms of the policy, they will get a benefit in exchange for you paying the premium.

This reward is the death benefit from the burial insurance.

If you construct your policy in such a way during your lifetime, you may later use this death benefit to cover costs like a child’s college tuition or even a parent’s assisted living bill.

This gives you the chance to make a significant difference in their lives and allay any fears they may have about money after you pass away.

The best life insurance for elderly parents?

This question does not have a universally applicable solution.

The kind of coverage a person should get also relies on their financial condition and personal needs.

Some final expense insurance providers offer senior-focused riders such guaranteed insurability and cash value growth.

We should first find out if your parent has any immediate financial requirements that call for funeral insurance coverage in order to appropriately address this question.

Do they, for instance, have a mortgage, school-age children, or a lot of medical debt?

Do they want to make sure their retirement income will be available should they survive to see it? Do they intend to retire within the next five to ten years?

You should think about using other investment options to secure your parent’s financial future if they don’t have any urgent needs that would necessitate life insurance.

Unlike term life insurance, burial insurance or whole life policies offer a technique of wealth accumulation as well as death benefits for seniors who are in good health and desire security against mortality risk.

Though more expensive than term life insurance, they offer death benefits, guaranteed insurability, and cash value growth.

When should parents get life insurance?

When your income is dependent on theirs or you are financially responsible for their care in the case of disability, the majority of financial counsellors advise buying life insurance.

Depending on their age, your parents might also be eligible for a “companion rider,” which enables you to get coverage at a later age while maintaining standard life insurance’s all-inclusive feature.

Who requires funeral insurance?

Many people who are approaching retirement believe their kids will look after them in case of emergency.

By purchasing burial insurance, you can protect your parents from losing their source of income as well as any additional expenses you may incur as a result of their passing.


Parents really must have burial insurance. Though it’s not something you want to ponder, it is something that should be taken into account before the necessity arises. Unlike term life insurance, these plans have no expiration date.

If your child dies unexpectedly and you have burial insurance, this can lessen some of the financial strain that comes with losing a loved one.

Even if you’re fortunate enough that no catastrophe or tragedy occurs during your lifetime, having peace of mind knowing that you’ve previously bought burial insurance for you and/or your children could be priceless.

So give us a call at (855) 468-8900 right away or complete the form on the right.

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